Mega icon the founder of Emami company Radhe shyam agrwal
Radhe shyam agrwal
-founder of Emami company
Radhe shyam agrwal is such a mega icon that faces many problem in establishment of his company i.e Emami. He is bron in Rajasthan and his workplace is kolkatta. He good and talented in his childhood. He is studied, LLB,FCA,and FCFS.
He was start the company only from 20 thousand rupess in 1967 but after two times he is lost his capital but he never left. And after his friend Radhe shyam gonika contribute him and start again.
When he given his interview and say that he never thought that his company is become a mile stone. When he lived with his family he faced many problems i.e some member of his family said that he is mad but his mother told that he was become a great person and increase his family fame.
And at last he and his friend starts his company become a leading producer of beauty products in India.